He was born in 1922 in Haine-St. Pierre (Belge) and he early moved to in Paris. He lived for several periods in U.S.A. and he attended Painting and Decoration courses at Fine Arts Academy in Mans. He was very influenced by the surrealist painting and, from 1949 from 1951, he took part of Cobra groop. His first personal exibitions took place in Paris and in New York (1964). The artist worked with different technics, beginning with painting on cloyh in moving plans and with games of light, and from 1957 he used electric machines to move his sculptures. The choice of his materials is very wide: from the gum to the steel, to wood, cork, mercury, nylon and magnets. In 1964 he created the Cinèmatisations, or deformations of photographic images with optic effect of movement. He is poet himself, he illustrated many avant-garde books. He took part of many exibitions all over Europe and in the U.S.A. he did an itinerant exibition, that started in 1970 in Berkeley University’s Museum (California)and finished in 1972 in Guggenheim Museum of New York.
He died in Paris in October 2005.